Industry Partners
Engage, Connect and Collaborate with Flyers
Creating a world-class engineer takes more than just an exceptional education, it takes integrating that education with real-world experiences.
Our industry partners are key to our success — by attending career fairs, employing students for co-ops and internships and even sponsoring a senior design project.
Because of your support, UD engineering students are on the leading edge and have the competitive advantage.
Engage our Students
All engineering students participate in professional development seminars, which are key to introducing them to available career opportunities, enhancing their professional communication skills and instilling keys to success post-graduation. Industry partner participation is critical to the success of the seminars.
Our Multi-Ethnic Engineers Program (MEP) hosts professional development workshops for students to further build their skills as emerging professionals, and learn more about various engineering industries, pathways and opportunities.
Interested in sponsoring a workshop? Contact
MEP Program
During the academic day, industry partners have the opportunity for visibility and interaction in the lobby of Kettering Labs. Partners are provided a table to set up their industry display and any items they bring. Engineering students pass through this central hub and are eager to learn more about our industry partners. At the conclusion of the event, the industry partner is provided the contact information for those students that scanned in at their table.
Held primarily in the evening and typically for 1 hour in duration, industry partners can host an event for students highlighting their organization and career opportunities.
Industry partners can work with campus groups affiliated with national professional societies (IEEE, ASME, ALChe, ASCE, NSBE, SWE, SHPE, SASE oSTEM, etc). These events provide the opportunity to observe students in leadership roles and engage students through guest-speaking, networking and sponsorship.
Professional and National Student Organizations
Industry professionals are encouraged to engage with current and future engineering Flyers during any of the Dinner with Professional events hosted by the Diversity in Engineering Center:
- Dinners with current students: Women Engineering Program Dinner with Professionals (Fall and Spring) and Multi-Ethnic STEM Summer Bridge Program Dinner with STEM Professionals (Summer)
- Dinners with future engineering Flyers: Multi-Ethnic Men in Engineering Camp, Women in Engineering Camp and Co-ed Engineering Camp Dinners with Professionals (Summer)
To learn more, please contact the Diversity in Engineering Center at
Diversity in Engineering Center
Connect with our Students
Scheduled each semester for all majors, these events provide an opportunity for employers, students and alumni to meet and discuss internships, co-ops and full-time opportunities. Career and internship fairs are typically scheduled for September and February.
Interested in participating? Contact Career Services at
The school's Diversity in Engineering Center (DEC), in partnership with the Co-op and Internship Office and Career Services, hosts the Diversity in Engineering Industry Partner Meet and Greet twice a year. Students served through the DEC can practice networking in a safe environment while engaging with potential industry partners and employers.
Interested in attending? Contact the Diversity in Engineering Center at
Career and Internship Fairs
Experiencing engineering through co-ops and internships is invaluable. Students build their confidence in their engineering knowledge and skills and determine their career path. Industry partners build relationships and start to generate a potential pool of future employees who can contribute on day one after graduation.
Hosted three times per year, the Co-op and Internship Office hosts interviews on campus for industry partners seeking students for co-op and internship positions across all engineering and engineering technology majors. In a single day industry partners can interview twelve or more potential candidates that apply to their open positions. For employers unable to make the scheduled events, other arrangements can be made.
Collaborate with the School of Engineering
The Innovation Center educates and develops world-class student leaders who create new products while working to meet the needs of the industrial, societal and business communities. During their first year, students work in small teams using the Engineering Design Process to develop solutions and create a final prototype that helps to solve a challenge in our local community.
We're also home to the senior design capstone for mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical and computer engineering and all disciplines within engineering technology. Project examples include designs for test fixtures and electrical and computer systems; improvements for the manufacturing process; and ergonomic studies of existing, modified or new processes and designs.
The Innovation Center works across university disciplines, providing students with experiences working on projects for local entrepreneurs and other new business startups. These resources are closely linked with the School of Business Administration's Entrepreneurship Program at The Hub in downtown Dayton.
Looking for more information on how to get involved? Contact Rebecca Blust at or call 937-229-2581
Leonardo Enterprises is housed within the Innovation Center, and is the entrepreneurial hub for engineering students. Leonardo Enterprises works with students to turn their ideas into business ventures.

Ready to become an industry partner
Interested in learning more?
Contact Colleen Bretland, director of the Engineering Co-op and Internship Office, at or 937-229-2235.
$7.4 million
total student earnings from co-ops and internships last year